
Friday, September 7, 2012

How to Join UHB Fantasy League


Currently, there are two different leagues that the UHB operates using Yahoo! Sports; UHB (head-to-head) and UHB2 (rotisserie). Both of these are dynasty or keeper leagues. A maximum of 16 teams is set as the league limit.

How to Join

There are a couple of ways to join either league:
1. Expansion: If one of the leagues has not yet reached the maximum allowable number of teams, it sometimes offers expansion franchises to prospective managers.

2. Transfer: Even when a league is full, there are times when a manager might neglect his/her team or decide that they do not want to continue the following season. In this case, we would transfer team ownership over to a new manager, even in the middle of a season, if need be. In either case, if a franchise becomes available, those who have been put on a waiting list, will be considered first.
    Waiting List

    If you would like to be considered as a potential manager, simply leave a message here or through our contacts to be put on a waiting list. If a league expands or a franchise needs to be transferred, those who respond will be contacted and accepted on a first come, first served basis, provided they meet certain criteria. Yahoo! fantasy hockey profiles will be used as a barometer in deciding who is a successful applicant.

    Manager Requirements:
    • must be dedicated and not neglect team
    • must respond in timely manner to league e-mails and trade offers
    • must be willing to participate in live online draft
    • must respect fellow managers and commissioner
    • must be in for long haul (more than one season)
    • experience in other leagues is an asset but not necessary
    • co-managers accepted

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